Big Frank

CRank: 5Score: 3120

Why do PS3 Fantards keep going on about graphics being so important? Desperation thats why, because at the end of the day it's very unlikely Killzone will surpass Gears' gameplay.

Gameplay is what it's all about folks. KZ2 might look better than gears and Halo, but will it play better. Lets wait and see.

You fantards better hope this game lives up to the hpye. If it doesn't, get the hell out of this website.

5725d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

Who is going to care about Killzone when Operation Flashpoint 2 comes out. No one knows about it now because the original was on the PC but when this gets reviewed and awareness is raised there will be only one FPS to play this year. Ive been trying to tell everyone on this site about it but every time i say it's going to be the defining FPS this gen all i get is disagrees because all the Sony fanboys can think about is Killzone.

Operation Flashpoint 2 is going to piss all over...

5726d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Apocalipse shadow, you sir(or should i say kid), you are an idiot. Poeple like you are ruining this site. Complete and utter crap you just wrote. Have you got buyers remorse too? Pissed off you bought a fancy blue ray player instead of the best games machine out there?

"bashing sony on the target render while promoting gears,but now having nothing to say because killzone2 meets and exceeds the target render just like mgs4,uncharted,gt5,ratchet,etc ?so now you talk about ga...

5726d ago 5 agree13 disagreeView comment

Everyone check out Operation Flashpoint 2. The original is one of the best games ever made and the sequel will outshine COD, HALO and KZ2. It has the potential to be the defining FPS this gen. Why is this game not getting more coverage? Insane.

5726d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment


1.No, not buyers remorse, more anger. Mines broke twice and all it did was piss me off for a week at a time untill it would get fixed. And of course we will say "this will fix it" as we are genuinely concerned about our console. My housemate had buyers remorse when he got his PS3. When he compared Live to PSN and compared games. Thats when he realised Sonys intention with the PS3 was to launch Blue Ray and the gamers ultimately came second.

2. Y...

5726d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment


1. your talking nonsense with your first statement. It is buyers remorse when Sony fanboys flood this site with their crap. They should all be playing games instead of jumping on every Red Light Story and saying things like "just wait this will be good". They've been saying that since its release now.

2. Yes MGS4 was a critical success, but as i said it didn't live up to the hype, it was supposed to be the PS3s savoir, plus the loading times a...

5726d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

The dude might have went a bit mental but he is right with certain points. It is quite pathetic that there are so many sony fanboys out there with buyers remorse that feel the need to be on forums like these defending and trying to hype their console. I know it hurts to have spent so much money on an inferior console, it sucks bad, you feel ripped off. And maybe you should all ask yourself the question why there are nowhere near as many MS fanboys on sites trying to hype their console to high...

5726d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've been playing FPSs since their first incarnation (Wolfenstien 3D is it?) and they have been my favorite genre since i've been gaming. I know a lot about them. I personnally beleived the Resistance games were very poor compared to others. Some guy mentioned he thought they were better than Halo3. From one gamer to another, they are not even close and Halo wipes the floor. Nar2ru1 listed a few games there, but if your a hardcore FPS or shooter fan, the ones he listed wont interest you very ...

5728d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Ha Ha i love it on this site when bad news for the PS3 is posted all you sony fanboys start claiming it's bullcrap and lies. There's a lot of buyer remorse here. It seems to be the common opinion everywhere but this site that the PS3 is last placed console, always will be this gen and even if Killzone is a AAA title, any real gamer will choose the 360. Even with the PS2's reputation the PS3 can barely put up a fight in the concole and games sales.

Anyway who is going to care ab...

5730d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

Im surpised that they didn't plan to make AVP3. The first two on the PC were awesome and playing as the pred and alien was really cool. Anyway, im getting this game as soon as it's released, there's a LOT of potential in this one. A game mode similar to Nazi Zombies on WAW would be very nice.

5736d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@2 cents

giving me gamer tags doesn't prove anything, anyone can own them. Also my post was in response to the drivel that PS3 fanboys have been posting on this thread. I know your lying about owning both consoles and being a true gamer because anyone who has played enough with the 360 controller can never go back the the PS3 one. You are a liar. I dont own a PS3 but my housemate does so i get more than enough opportunity to play one. I've been gaming since the Commodore64 days...

5740d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I especially feel sorry for the people that bought a PS3 on launch. I didn't really care until i discovered this site. The forums on this site are like AA meetings were everyone sits around feeling really sad about their lives, only instead of an alcohol problem these people feel badly cheated that they basically got ripped off by Sony. They only ever cared about Blue Ray, the gaming aspect was put on the back burner and that is a fact, why have they had to endure such a second rate online se...

5740d ago 7 agree10 disagreeView comment

Has anyone ever wondered why there are far more Sony fanboys posting on this site, or the internet in general compared to 360 fanboys? Ya'll need to start playing your PS3 a little more instead of trying to convince yourselves and others you made the right purchase. Go play MGS4, if you can handle the load times.

5740d ago 12 agree11 disagreeView comment


Most of the gamers that visit this site don't know about it because they haven't played anything else but a Sony machine. The original was REALLY hard and took a while to get the hang of but once you got the swing of things, i think it was as good a gaming experience as the like of Deus Ex and Duke3D.

Hopefully the don't girly it up for the casual players but im sure they will.

5741d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is going to be THE FPS to own this year. I've been trying to tell all the Sony fanboys on this site to forget about Killzone 'cause this is gonna kick it's b***ocks. The original on the PC is one of the greatest games ever made and i can't believe my stupid friend lost my copy, i would be playing it right now.

5741d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

LOL! No wonder the PS3 is selling so bad, is that the best exclusives it has, LOL lOL! The 360's exclusives won that comparison hands down.

5742d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


"Wow all the hate for the 360 why are the ps3 owners so bitter"

Simple, they all bought a PS3 solely because of the name, what they then found out was they were tricked into buying a Blue Ray Player that could also play a few games. The are pissed that for so long they have been using an inferior online service and that only now its coming up to speed both with it's titles and services. Did you ever use PSN the first coulpe of years? It was...

5744d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Operation Flashpoint 2 is going to own every single FPS out there including Killzone2. But all you Sony fanboys that have never played another platform probably dont even know anything about it.

5744d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does anyone know a websibe were the fourums aren't full of gamers that haven't played or is willing to play anything else but a playstation. The bias towards Sony in this site is pathetic and what you all call "your opinions" are borbering on lies and mostly tripe.

You all live in your own little world here. You think your "pure gamers" but you are not. Most of you have owned nothing but a PS and will always buy a Sony console no matter what just because ...

5747d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

In the article it says the 360 has no racing games and that the PS3 is the console of choice for racers. I know Forza and PGR4 weren't out this year but they still wipe the floor with anything the PS3 has to offer right now. How can it be the console of chocie for racers when the best one is only a demo? The guys an idoit. Any respected journalist or gamer would know what console to buy if they want to race. Oh the triggers on the 360 also make for the most pleasent racing experience, th...

5747d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment